Restoring the World, One Tree at a Time
We are passionate about electric vehicles for many reasons. Our team loves the exciting technology and safety improvements, the health benefits and the opportunities for growth. We’re also ecstatic about what the global transition to electric vehicles means for our environment. Smart Charge America has always been dedicated to sustainable growth and ecological responsibility, and we’ve been looking for a charity committed to these same ideals.
“Sustainable growth and ecological responsibility.”
Our search is complete. We are proud to announce our new partnership with One Tree Planted, a nonprofit dedicated to global reforestation. We’re thrilled to proclaim this next step in Smart Charge America’s journey.
Who is One Tree Planted?
One Tree Planted is a 501C3 environmental charity focused on the critical mission of global reforestation. They work with partners all over the world to plant new trees and replant forests. Their initiative creates jobs and restores forests following natural disasters and deforestation. Beginning in 2015 with 50,000 trees, they have more than doubled their number of trees planted every year, resulting in four million trees planted last year alone.
Trees are more than just beautiful to look at. Trees create a healthier climate, reduce erosion, and protect vulnerable wildlife. We all know that trees provide oxygen, but not everyone realizes that trees actively filter the air, including pollutants like nitrogen oxides, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide. Trees do so much for all of us, and Smart Charge America is happy to take part in the effort to plant more trees.
Shared Goals
“Working with One Tree Planted was an easy decision.”
There are many options out there for companies who wish to give back. We choose to partner with One Tree Planted because they are efficient and effective in working toward our shared goals. They’ve proven themselves to be a firmly established, thriving, and trustworthy organization. With their hard work and network of reforestation partners, One Tree Planted is best equipped to put trees in the ground.
David Laderberg, Vice President at Smart Charge America, has this to say:
Working with One Tree Planted was an easy decision, as it furthers our greater mission of leaving the earth a better place than how we found it. Donating a tree for every installation allows our customers to be a part of that mission and engages them to hopefully give more.
Our Commitment
For every new Smart Charge America electric car charging station installed, we will plant a tree with One Tree Planted. This will further offset our carbon footprint and those of our customers, bettering the world for today and for generations to come. We wanted to find a model for giving back that grows with us. By participating in One Tree Planted’s One-for-One program, our continued success will automatically reflect in our charitable giving.
“A model for giving back that grows with us.”
Our commitment creates a partnership with a wonderful organization, and it allows us to build something special with every Smart Charge America customer. Each electric vehicle charger not only represents a sustainable, economical solution, it also makes a global impact through crucial reforestation. We love the idea that every time you see a Smart Charge America charging station, that means there is a new tree planted somewhere in the world!
How You Can Help
We want to thank all our customers who have already helped us plant trees with One Tree Planted, and we look forward to everyone we’ll have the opportunity to work with in the future. If you would like to see what One Tree Planted is accomplishing for our world, visit their website. They make it easy to donate, volunteer your time and energy, and find helpful tips to improve the world around you.
We’re glad to be on this journey with you. Together, let’s keep restoring the world — one tree at a time!
1 Comment
I think this is wonderful! Trees are a very important part of our world and what a great way to give back!